Book It, Bake It, Caffeinate It!


“Many people, myself among them, feel better at the mere sight of a book.” – Jane Smiley
It’s funny, you know, we can actually see out of our windows. Occasionally, people who don’t like books will actually step off of our sidewalk to give the store a wide berth. BOOKS! CARBS! SUGAR! Move quickly! Others who haven’t read the (warning) sign will come in, see the books and quickly spin out! Afraid, I suppose, that the books will have flavored the scones? It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, we always chuckle and then sigh with pity at all the wonderful things they are passing up.


What friends we make on a daily basis over the books we carry! Such conversations to be had when swapping books stories! You also would not BELIEVE what we find in books! We have found money, jewelry, love notes, letters from prisons, last wills and testaments, plane tickets, prescriptions, circled quotes, clever edits, alternative endings, one time there was even a dog’s ashes from a pet crematorium in a box of books – true fact!


Our point being – we want you to READ. We all love reading. Everyone on our staff has very diverse taste when it comes to books. We come from different decades, different countries, different backgrounds and we all share books back and forth like pieces of our lives.


And so, we want to share these stories with YOU! Old books, new books, rare books, picture books, each month we will feature new books and hope you will tell us about what you are reading, too. We will continue to have our author signings and will be starting a poetry wall upstairs for our local poets to post wee scraps of poetry.
We are especially fond of our children’s book section; which is chock a block with classics, forgotten books, clever new books and books you simply can’t live without!


Oh, magic hour, when a child first knows she can read printed words!” – Betty Smith


So come by, pull a luscious stack of books onto a table, tuck into a scone and a latte and unplug for a while.


“There is nothing more luxurious than eating while you read – unless it be reading while you eat.” – E. Nesbit


The beach is great, but you know what’s even better?
Our #bookstoreatthebeach!